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State Quality Programs

The focus of the New Mexico Health Care Association and our member facilities is on improving the quality of care provided in long-term care facilities and the quality of life for residents.

New Mexico Value-Based Purchasing

The NM valued-based purchasing and nursing facility project is a four-pronged approach that includes a Community Advisory Board (CAB), MCO VBP workgroup, Provider Advisory Group (PAG) and Project ECHO.  The project goal is to improve quality of care, reduce avoidable hospitalizations, and optimize health for all New Mexico Medicaid members receiving services in nursing facilities by 2023.  This is being offered as a voluntary opportunity for all nursing facilities in New Mexico that are contracted with MCOs for Medicaid.

Anti Psychotic Medication Reduction Initiative

Thank you for your commitment to the quality of life of your residents. Thank you for your interest in being recognized through the Antipsychotic Medication Reduction Initiative. Thank you for your commitment to the appropriate use of antipsychotic medications. By participating in this initiative, you will receive the following benefits:

  1. Self-satisfaction with the assurance that your residents/clients are receiving only appropriate medications
  2. Recognition on the New Mexico Health Care Association/New Mexico Center for Assisted Living’s (NMHCA/NMCAL) website
  3. NMHCA/NMCAL will submit a press release about your achievement to your local news outlets
  4. A plaque, poster, or window sticker announcing your achievement
  5. Special recognition during NMHCA events

Antipsychotic Reduction Description

Level One Application

Best of the Best

The Best of the Best is a statewide awards program sponsored by the New Mexico Health Care Association and the New Mexico Center for Assisted Living. It coincides with the Association’s annual convention every August. This year, almost 100 caregivers were nominated in eleven categories:

NMHCA/NMCAL 2024 Best of the Best Winners
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Liz Roberts of Las Estancias by PureHealth

Director of Nursing

Elijah Sanchez of MorningStar of Albuquerque

Resident Support Award

Linh McGovern of Skies Healthcare and Rehabilitation Center

Licensed Nurse Award

Juliette Adeyi of Princeton Health and Rehabilitation

Nurse Manager Award

Dawne  Gaddis of The Neighborhood in Rio Rancho

Administrative Support  Award

Marie Martinez of The Rehabilitation Center of Albuquerque

Social Services Award

Lisa Aguilar of Lakeview Christian Home

Support Services Award

Fermin Cervantes of Las Estancias by Pure Health

Manager Award

Matt Whiting of Skies Healthcare and Rehabilitation Center

2 Volunteer Awards:
John Barnes

Lakeview Christian Home

Celie, Center Pup

Albuquerque Heights Healthcare and Rehabilitation

2 Direct Caregivers

Christy Cargill

The Watermark at Cherry Hill

Bee Tsosie

 Bloomfield Nursing and Rehabilitation


HealthCare Interactive® is pleased to announce that the CARES® Dementia Basics & Advanced Care Online Training Program is one of only three programs nationally recommended by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) to meet its new national nursing aide training requirements (part of Section 6121 of the Affordable Care Act mandates for enhanced nursing aide training).

Now you and your staff members can:

  • Get nationally recognized dementia-care training
  • Meet the national CMS nursing aide training requirements
  • Get certified in Alzheimer's Association® essentiALZ® certification
  • Reach both urban and rural settings within your organization
  • Train night, weekend, and part-time staff with the same excellent training opportunities afforded your day staff

CMP Staffing Retention Grant

NMHCA provides one-on-one consultation to our members to help identify areas where facilities can improve to help with staffing retention and identify best practices to assist facilities in their efforts.


CNA Week - June 13-19, 2024

National Nursing Assistants Week, which takes place on the Thursday of the second full week of June, is a week full of celebrations honoring the hard work of assistant nurses.

Facilities are encouraged to host events throughout the week as a way to appreciate their assistant nurses.

To help plan your week, we've compiled a list of ideas to get you started: CNA Week Ideas

Please send photos of events to Lily Quezada at to be featured on NMHCA/NMCAL social media posts.